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Another Impressive Year from Robotics

Since the beginning of fall, the Columbus Academy Avalanche robotics team has been tediously working to outperform its results from last year. Aside from constructing the robot, the team also has many members dedicated towards funding the robot through the business program and aiding the community through the outreach program. The team is more organized than ever, with new mentors, such as the Business Team Professional René Harrington, contributing their expertise.

In December, Avalanche placed 6th at the West Virginia FTC State Tournament, allowing it to qualify for semifinals. The team continued to toil endlessly on the robot and outreach & marketing programs. With high hopes of progressing to the super-regional level, the team entered multiple tournaments, strong-willed and determined. The team was, unfortunately, unable to qualify, despite its efforts.

Yet, the year is hardly over for the Avalanche team. There is still much work to do in the business and outreach areas.

In addition, the team is working on training new members for the upcoming year.

With the program growing rapidly and a shared desire to succeed, Academy’s Avalanche is set up for greatness in the 2017-18 season.


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