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Week of April 25: Boys Baseball Dominates in All Four Games

The Vikings dominated the baseball diamond this week, standing at 12-0 in the MSL Ohio league. On Monday, April 25, the boys cruised to victory against Worthington Christian, winning 14-1.

The team gained an early lead in the second inning and continued this streak into the third inning, ahead by 13. Afterwards, the Vikes, led by pitcher Grey Harmon’16 with 16 first-pitch strikes and 11 strikeouts, put up a strong front defensively to keep this large lead.

Offensive highlights include Louis Burns’17, Davis Friedman’18, MatthewSchmidtz’17 and Matt Watters’16 with four hits, and Darren Bates’17 and Nick Rothmann’19 with five walks.

On Wednesday, April 27, a no-hitter led to a 11-0 Viking triumph over Madison Plains. Pitcher Watters threw all six innings with eleven first-pitch strikes and nine strikeouts, shutting out the opponent. Jake Mitchell’16, Friedman, and Burns had four hits combined, and Stringer and Harmon had three and two walks, respectively.

Academy gained another win Friday, April 29, against the Grandview Heights Bobcats 6-1 with strong showings from both offensive and defensive players. Mitchell and Harmon had three and two hits collectively. Stringer and Matthew Sailing’18 pitched the game with a combination of fourteen first-pitch strikes and five strikeouts.

On Saturday, April 30, the Vikings gained an early lead in the first inning against Cardington-Lincoln, topping the Pirates 13-2. With strong showing both offensively and defensively, juniors Bates had three hits, Stringer two hits, and Schmitz had two walks. Sailing and Evan Scott’19 also had one walk each. Schmitz also pitched for the whole game, with thirteen first-pitch strikes and two strikeouts leading Academy to a decisive victory.

Taking the lead in their league, the Vikings are looking at a successful postseason in which they hope to move past districts this year.


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