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37 Donors and 120 Lives: Academy Blood Drive Breaks 2015 Record

Academy’s 2016 Winter Blood Drive set a new record for the school’s donations. 34 donors were whole blood donations, and 3 were double red, which accounts for two donations. Academy’s 40 pints of blood surpassed last year’s winter record of 33.

The Barton Room lobby had a special exhibit that was a school-wide effort. Students decorated colorful drawings with designs and encouraging words, which were displayed all around the lobby. Pictures of the Academy community whose lives were changed because of a blood donation were also exhibited.

By spending fewer than 10-12 minutes of time, one person can save up to 3 lives. The Red Cross provides 40% of the nation’s blood supply in nearly 3,000 hospitals and transfusion centers across the United States.

Donors offer blood because they want to help others.  Any contribution is important because the need is constant.

80% of blood donations given to the Red Cross are collected at blood drives, showing how important they are for saving lives.


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