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Please Think of Beirut

43 dead and 239 wounded in Beirut, Lebanon, but that doesn’t mean the world is paying any attention. Even prior to the horrendous Paris attacks, which have made their way onto essentially all major news sources, the Beruit attacks were receiving hardly any notice.

The attack, which took place on November 12, 2015, has the highest death toll of any attack on Lebanon since 2013. ISIS is currently boasting the attacks are of their design. The double suicide bombing reportedly took place in the Bourj al-Barajneh neighborhood, which is known for housing a Palestinian refugee camp and has also offered sanctuary for quite a few Syrian refugees.

ISIS claims that it was targeting Shiite Muslims, a Muslim sect viewed as a group of deserters by the terrorist organization. More specifically, Hezbollah, the militant Shiite organization backing the Syrian government, was allegedly targeted by the attacks. The United States considers Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization, likely due to the organizations unwavering support of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad

While the attack on Paris came as a complete shock to the world and sparked torrent of sympathy from across the globe, the Beirut attacks didn’t seem to have the same effect. Many who are troubled by this believe that this disparity is because the world perceives Arab lives to matter less. Others believe that the media and world view violence in Lebanon as the norm, despite the fact that Lebanon has been in a state of considerable calm for years, and have, hence, grown numb to the idea.

Whatever the implications of the cascade of support for France contrasting with overlooked Beirut may be, now it not a time to pit nations against one another in terms of who is deserving of sympathy. Lives were lost in Paris. Lives were lost in Beirut.

We’ve always lived in a broken world, sometimes we just forget. But now, acts of terror have shattered the calm facade that we love to cling to, and we’re all left scrambling for answers. Beirut deserves more recognition, more sympathy, more love. That doesn’t mean Paris deserves any less.

The pain that is gnawing at us right now is not defined by one appalling, panic-inducing act. This nightmare is not specific to any one nation. We have to come together as a global family and mourn our Lebanese brothers and sisters alongside the victims of Paris.

Do not disregard any crime against humanity. Do not forget to remember Beirut.


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