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Editorial: Upper School Changes Heartening

The Columbus Academy has changed, and changed for the better. No, we’re not referencing the construction, as much as we all enjoy the sound of drills and backhoes in the morning. We are talking about the positive leadership that has tremendously altered the attitude of the student body.

The new age of positivity, enthusiasm, and school spirit that current President Lawson Stump and Vice- President Otis Klingbeil have ushered in proves that the attitude of the school is contingent on the enthusiasm of its leaders. It is simple: Stump and Klingbeil live to serve the student body and ensure an upbeat high school experience for everyone.

Never before has the student body been so united, a distinction that is apparent in the unprecedented level of inter-grade mixing. In fact, many teachers have actually complained that they do not know which students are in which grade because there are so many friend groups that cross traditional grade-level divisions. Lunch tables and even traditional grade lounges are no longer segregated by age.

Perhaps it is this specific Senior Class that has caused such a variation from the status quo. With a goal of making their final year a great one despite the hiccups that construction has brought, seniors have proposed a Senior Lock-In, certain to bring grade unity, and have allowed the Quad to be opened up to the underclassmen in events such as Art Fair and the badminton tournament.

Perhaps it is the current freshmen. There certainly hasn’t been a class this bold in recent memory, so maybe we owe some of our positivity to their feistiness.

It could be that club life has been revitalized or that traditional events like First Friday have been revamped or that the new Junior-Senior English classes provide opportunities for grade-levels to mingle on a daily basis.

Perhaps the construction, albeit unpleasant at times, gives us each a sense that things are happening and changing in our school, fueling a feeling of optimism for the future.

Whatever the cause of this newly-found unity and school spirit, we are thankful it is upon us. For anyone to think otherwise is to be grossly mistaken, for we have never been so proud to prove any naysayers so wrong.

by the Editorial Board



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