Between the newly restructured SAT and the PSAT, you’d think that The College Board would have its hands full, but it also buckled to the critics who challenged the framework of the Advanced Placement United States History class with the 2014 curriculum (APUSH”) as not being patriotic enough, and in some cases, it was even deemd “anti-American.”
The authors of the 2014 curriculum framework wrote a letter in defense of their choices, mostly readdressing the fact that it is, indeed, a “framework.” The class is meant to be written “so that local decision makers and teachers could populate the course with content that is meaningful to them and that satisfies their state mandates.”
A main player in the criticism of the course was the Republican National Committee, who early on released a statement detailing what it wanted changed in the framework in an attempt to rally the public.
As concern grew for the course standards, the College Board restructured the curriculum framework once more. The new format will be instituted for the 2015-16 school year.
Many states, such as Texas, argued it would not allow the former course material to be taught within ist borders, which would certainly have cost the College Board a large amount of money.
While many APUSH teachers across the nation were unhappy with the lack of mention of certain events in the 2014 framework, those details were not the only things added to the 2015 version. Language has been softened in sections concerning sensitive issues, particularly around slavery and the idea of white supremacy.
While the general sentiment regarding the changes is currently good, concerns about the College Board being pushed around by political organizations are significant
That politics and money play critical roles in education is problematic. We as a society need to reclaim control of our educational system and to take most critiques from educators themselves, not those who come bearing agendas.
Written by Caroline Anders’17