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Movie Review: A Different Look at the Civil Rights Movement

“Those that have gone before us say, ‘No more! No more!’ That means protest. That means march. That means disturb the peace. That means jail. That means risk. And that is hard. We will not wait any longer. Give us the vote. We’re not asking. We’re demanding. Give us the vote!” These words are spoken by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, a historical drama directed by Ava DuVernay that gives an in-depth look at the work necessary to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and culminates with the march from Selma to Montgomery.

Through powerful acting and passion, audiences are made aware of the hard work and sacrifice necessary in order to provide equal treatment for African Americans during the African-American Civil Rights movement era.

We do not hear the legendary “I Have a Dream” speech or walk through all of Dr. King’s life. The movie highlights Dr. King’s strategic planning skills, an element often missing from history lessons. Dr. King explains the importance of protesters making the news every evening to raise awareness about the poor treatment of African Americans.

With the celebration of Dr. King Day this week and the issue of race still relevant in this country, Selma’s message speaks louder than before.

Written by Sydnie Boykins‘15


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