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Drunk Drivers Kill Someone Every 53 Minutes

On Saturday, I received the heartbreaking news of a tragedy that happened in my former hometown. Early on the morning of November 1, five teenagers were on their way home when they ran out of gas. The driver  pulled over to the beltway’s shoulder of to wait for help when a drunk driver struck the stopped vehicle. The car accident killed one of the teenagers, leaving the community in shock.

Dominik Pettey, 17, had a bright future ahead of him. He was set to graduate in the spring and had been a star hockey player at Gonzaga College High School in Washington, DC. He lost his life because of someone’s reckless decision to drink and drive.

Drunk driving’s statistics speak for themselves: every 53 minutes someone dies from a drunk driving accident. On average, 28 people a day die from this preventable crime.

Think about how often you drive. Think about how many times you are on the road. Now imagine the terrifying thought of a car that is out of control because its driver is intoxicated. There is no defense against this reckless driver and no justifiable reason for drivers to drive under the influence. It puts innocent bystanders, like Dominik, at risk and who don’t deserve to die.

So, speak up. If you’re at a party or see someone intoxicated about to drive, try to stop them. Don’t let them get on the road and put others in danger. And, don’t ever get behind the wheel while under the influence.

We need to keep the roads safe for the kids, parents, and everyone in the community.

Written by Taylor Bates’16


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