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World News: Sept. 14-21, 2014

A man with a knife jumped the fence at the White House this week and snuck inside the front doors. Omar J. Gonzalez, the 42 year-old intruder, is now in custody and claims he wanted to inform the President that Earth’s atmosphere was collapsing so that Americans could be warned.

Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, announced he will be stepping down from his position as CEO, but will keep the title of executive chairman and assume a new role as Chief Technology Officer of the company. Oracle is one of the largest tech companies in the world, and Ellison has been its CEO since he founded it in 1977.

Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, went public on Friday, and its shares rose almost 40% on its first day of trading, making Jack Ma, the company’s founder, the richest man in China.

U.S. troops were deployed to Liberia to help the struggling country contain the massive Ebola outbreak. Liberia has neither the health nor financial resources to deal with this lethal disease.

The manhunt continues for Eric Frein, the Pennsylvania man who allegedly shot a police officer last week. People in the area have been instructed to be on alert and to keep their doors locked.

Written by Oliver Kornberg’16


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