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Girls Lacrosse on a Roll

The girls surprised everyone April 22nd after defeating New Albany, the defending state champion. This victory heightens their position going into the post season. The final score was 12-9 with Courtney Gittens’14, Lottie Smith’16, Lily Rizk’16, Brianna Stahl’14, Julia Chester’16, and Kat Restrepo’14  all contributing goals. Goalie Lawson Stump’16 impressed everyone with nine saves.

Captain Courtney Gittens says, “The game was amazing because everyone really stepped up. We were completely united and extremely successful on both sides of the field. This win meant so much for our team.”

The girls are expected to continue improving their 7-3 record as they face Watterson on May first and Desales on May 6th. Their game against Watterson is senior night, while a victory against Desales will secure the League title. Both games require great support and Academy’s finest student section.

Written by Maddie Vaziri’16





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