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Hallway Etiquette

The hallways of CA and the roads of Ohio should be treated as one and the same. Cars should yield right, keep up with the suggested speed of traffic, and only attempt to pass when it is safe and legal to do so. Following this logic, it’s understandable why the non-licensed freshmen have trouble navigating the halls, especially during class switching rush hour. But now, with a quarter under everybody’s belt, it’s time to establish the ground rules. These are hallway codes of traffic.


  1. Yield right when navigating through a crowded hallway. Nobody wants to see a messy head on collision.
  2. Apologize after “flat-tiring,” or stepping on the back of somebody’s shoe. It’s important to be polite if we’re going to share the halls at least until June.
  3. Keep up the pace when walking on staircases. Imagine what would happen if one person decided to step off the gas while driving up a steep hill.


  1. Don’t text and walk. It slows you down and increases the risk of collision exponentially.
  2. Do not sit down across from a friend in the hallway and both lay your legs out. The legs are like traffic cones taking up both sides of a road, and they require an awkward stunt jump for anyone trying to get across.
  3. Don’t try to pass another person or change lanes in the middle of rush hour, unless you absolutely have to. We don’t have rearview mirrors on our heads, and it can be a dangerous surprise to be passed by someone in too much of a hurry.

Remember when roaming around off rush hour, you can get away with not going the suggested speed limit, or walking on the wrong side of the hallway. Just be cautious during the peak times after speeches and assemblies or class switches.

Written by Christina Lee’16 and Gavin Rackoff’14




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