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Fighting Hunger Games: Impact Not Just Short Term

We at Academy are lucky to have the kinds of resources that we do. Not only do we have access to a very high caliber of education, but we also, for the most part, have the luxury of choosing what clothes we wear each morning, what food to put in our mouths, and how we spend our money. Other families in central Ohio are not so fortunate, which is why we as a community have a responsibility to take action, and what better way to do so than through this year’s food drive.

21.7% of Ohio residents are below the poverty income level. That is nearly one out of every four people. And for many of these families, that means they are forced to make tough choices. When asked why it was so important that we give our all to the food drive, Mrs. Bening replied, “There are people who go in and eat at Faith Mission . . . because they are trying to save enough money to either get themselves off somebody’s couch . . . or they’re trying to take that next step. They’d rather be more sufficient, but they know that if they cut that cost, they can make the leap into the next level of comfort or meet their own needs.”

As Bening notes, Academy students are not immune to struggle but instead are accustomed to a different kind of strain. The drive to keep up with academics and conflicts at home are relatively common, but a battle to make ends meet and move forward is one that is foreign to us but very prominent to others who live  just a few miles down the road.

This year’s food drive is sponsoring 32 families with the goal of providing a week’s worth of balanced meals and at least one warm coat for each member of the family.  The food and clothing that is not being given specifically to one of these 32 families will be donated to shelters, schools, and food pantries.

As competitive as the Fighting Hunger Games can be, as enticing as the prizes may seem, we as a school can’t forget that we can provide an added boost for 32 families through just two weeks of cooperation on our part. These families are not just names scribbled down on notecards detailing their needs–they are living, breathing people who are trying to get by in the world and will be grateful for the extra hand–if we as a student body are willing to give it.

Written by Sarah Fornshell’15



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