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How the Blackberry Turned Sour

With the release of the highly anticipated Blackberry 10, Research in Motion (RIM) is making strides in the right direction. With the failed launch of countless devices such as the Playbook behind its back, RIM appears to be rallying. The world-renowned Blackberry smartphone has decreased in popularity due to the development of the iPhone and Android-powered devices. Many corporations are dropping their association with the Blackberry, and many of the reasons seem justifiable. For example:

Blackberry has failed to provide a revolutionary software update while Apple and Android release new editions of their respective operating systems at least once a year.

Blackberry has not yet mastered the virtual keyboard, an essential component of the iPhone and most Android-powered devices.

The iPhone and Android phones have user-friendly applications and an easily-accessible app store, which Blackberry lacks.

RIM has been experiencing management issues over the past few years because it split the CEO role between two people. Because of this, it was practically functioning as two separate companies and disrupting the development of the Blackberry 10.

RIM entered the tablet-industry too late and did not emerge victorious with the launch of Playbook.

Wall Street is well aware of RIM’s misguidance, and it is easily noticeable. The company’s market capitalization was $80.61 billion in June of 2008, yet it was only worth $8.25 billion as of last week.Perhaps the release of the Blackberry 10 will end RIM’s troubles. The new phone features a virtual keyboard, updated software, and a larger screen among other appreciable, new features.

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Written by Oliver Kornberg’16


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